zondag 9 februari 2025

Plantseizoen 2025

Het planten van de gezaaide boompjes in Malawi Prsisons is begonnen en gaat goed omdat de regens lijken door te zetten. Ik had de volgende WhatsApp conversatie:

  [16:48, 05-02-2025] Harry Mwaungulu: Our tree planting program is going on smoothly well. Sorry I have taken time to respond to this message, I was attending to a funeral to one of my relatives in the village where networks is also erratic Currently the rains have covered the whole Malawi. We started some planting at Mikuyu in January early. Domasi is planting now. We had a challenge of rains in December where their was erratic rains with many days going dry in December. January reaching this current February the rains are at peak and good rains we are experiencing this time around the whole country. Sir, we are now at our climax period of planting in various stations. More planting pictures will shared to you very soon Sir
[17:00, 05-02-2025] Harry Mwaungulu: Transplanting and transportation of tree seedlings from Mikuyu 1 nursery site to Mikuyu 2 and Mpyupyu Prisons for planting👆 Tree species 1-Senna siamea 2-Albizia lebeck 3- Glicidia 4- Eucalyptus, (bluegum) 5- Faidebia albidia Fruits Mangoes Tangerines Guavas Oranges Avocado pears. We are progressing very well the project Sir. Am communicating with all the stations and have promised to give me a thorough progress reports in the coming days and weeks Sir [12:33, 06-02-2025] Harry Mwaungulu?: Bluegum is doing very well Sir. It is a species called Eucalyptus Euforia. It has been proven that it is not being attacked by the disease that occurred in past 5 years. It is free from that attack and we are planting that species in one of a woodlot at Mikuyu [12:36, 06-02-2025] Harry Mwaungulu: Sir,, I have been transferred from Domasi to Mikuyu prison on January 10 this new year. I am the second in charge. I am the station officer at Mikuyu one. Everything is well managed despite the new role Sir
Senna siamea, Acacia, woodlot trees planted last year. 

 Zelf heb ik wel bedenkingen bij het planten van Eucalyptus uit oogpunt van o.a. invloed op de water situatie en de biodiversiteit. Toen ik in Malawi was was Eucayptus planten verboden i.v.m. een erstige plantenziekte waar ze aan kunnen leiden. Er zijn nu soorten die daar blijkbaar minder gevoelig voor zijn. Het beleid van de overheid is veranderd, maar aan het planten van Eucalyptus zijn nog wel wat haken en ogen. Ik heb daarom een discussiestuk gemaakt dat ik gestuurd heb zodat daar nog even extra over wordt nagedacht.

Binnenkort verwacht ik meer foto’s.

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