woensdag 22 maart 2023

Cycloon Freddy


Er kwamen zeer verontrustende berichten over het tweemaal overtrekken van cycloon Freddy in Malawi. Veel schade, voornamelijk in Blantyre en veel doden en gewonden. Bovenstaand filmpje is gemaakt in Zomba bij de botanische tuin, een plek waar we graag kwamen.

In reactie op een vraag kreeg ik dit berichtje vanuit het boomplantproject.

We are indeed problems Sir. Our tree programs are not affected yet. But several houses, crops, and lives of many people have been lost through the disaster. 

Most of our trees have alredy been planted in the fields. So our trees are safe.  Our families as prisons are also safe but communities in Blantyre city, Mulanje, Churadzulu, Thyolo, phalombe, Nsanje  districts in the southern Malawi. 

Power generation has been badly affected. We are in blackout Several roads have been damaged. 

Right now around 200 people are confirmed dead by department for disaster affairs and several others are injured and in hospitals. Others are still missing and the search still continues. 

The weather is bad and hampering search activities.   2 MDF soldiers who were on search mission are also missing after their boat capsized in the stormy waters when they were trying to rescue people. 

Others people are stranded in the middle of waters .

Helicopters can't move coz of bad weather conditions 

Villages have been swept away by the flooding waters

We hoorden ook dat verschillende scholen de deuren hebben moeten sluiten.

Het is te hopen dat Malawi uit deze vreselijke ellende weer opkrabbelt. Het bevestigt ook nogmaals het grote belang van herbebossing.