dinsdag 10 december 2019

December report

De onderstaande WhatsApp correspondentie geeft een aardige indruk van de gang van zaken. Het lijkt dat de zaken op orde zijn en dat het uitplanten kan beginnen als de regen begint:

Report Inspector Mwaungulu December 2019

Good morning all dear members,,,our donor,,my bosses and all dear colegues

We managed to visit Mikuyu Prison yesterday as reported above by our partner Mrs Phiri.

The nursery really looks very promising with good and healthy tree seedlings.

Some of the trees have reached the stage whether they can be transplanted to the designated fuelds,,, especially Glicidia sepium is almost above 15 cm in height but other species are still below this mark especially Sena spectabilis.(cacia wamaluwa)

There are about 19, 300 tree seedlings on this nursery

The seedlings are almost 2 months old now

By end of this December we are optimistic that all the tree seedlings species will reach a stage better enough for planting in the designated fields.

Lots of thanks to our dear colegues at Mikuyu for the commendable job well done and good coordination and collaboration amongst us all and a special mention to our Farm Manager for his advises in all the operations of the program.

Our sponsor Mr Flip we Thank you for your support.

Question of Mrs. Mary Ngwira (DFO):

Are the trees we planted in 2014 performing?

Answer: Madam Ngwira,,,the 2014 trees are big trees now providing good shading with wide enough canopy.

And those that were planted in the fields as soil fertility improvement species are also doing quite better despite their benefits is accumulated over a lengthy period of time.

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